Make large and stable earnings waste buying, processing and selling them then. Turn your money into waste, you will get the best and most reliable advantages because you can currently reselling. Secondary products that have been recycled always cost much more than the raw material. We are engaged in the refining process - has benefits If you join us, you will not be directly involved in the recycling process. Our team of professionals will address the technological process to convert waste into money. Simply you win with your buying and selling using our free access to international markets waste. We have combined the most common things, Internet and recycled waste, turning them into a new product that really works. Become now an environmentalist and begins to get compensation. As limited promotional tool, we are offering each new member a gift subscription of 20 euros. This bonus will be used to buy your first raw material and give 100 kg of waste to start the recycling process. We have added an online calculator to demonstrate how it works earnings Note that if you do not invest your own funds and only use your bonus of 20 euros, some full cycles will be required to generate enough profit to make a successful retreat as the minimum payment profit is 20 euros. However, if you waste worth 100 euros (500kg), in three weeks you have crushed worth 200 euros material because the selling price of the crushed material is 0.40 euros per kg. If you click on Recycle, you get 6% of the total amount of purchased waste (your initial 100 euros) according to the guidelines and this amounts to 6 euros of profit. In two weeks, you granules worth 300 euros (500 kg x 0.60 euros / kg) When you click Restart, you get 8% of the difference between the price of pellets sold and the price of shredded material sold. In this case, equivalent to 8% of 100 euros (300 minus 200). This amounts to 8 euros of profit. Therefore, when you have a balance of 100 euros, 6 and 8 euros will be the benefits that you will keep when you follow recycling over and over again without the goods sold immediately. The total earnings will be 14 euros for a 5-week cycle. The number of cycles is not limited complete recycling. In order to transfer your benefits accrued to your account balance, please click on the button then recycle the completion of the cycle. In this case, the process will begin again using the same volume of waste had before. On the other hand, if you sell your property, you will receive 25% of the final price. You will not get the full value of your property because incomes are shared between you, the investor and us as well as other partners that help protect and overhead costs of the company. Then, the 300 euros of the granules will become when the bandages at 75 euros refund. You'll also get 6 euros which won for the first period of 3-week cycle. No embargp NOT get the 8 euros for the final period of 2-week because it is only an incentive for people who choose to continue recycling. In total, you will get 81 euros if you sell instantly, and it really is less than 100 euros initially you had. There is no mistake here. And for this reason, we inform you like that, from a business point of view, it makes sense to withdraw all your funds and sell the property only if you have increased your shared in advance income, buying shares in equipment to increase your share revenue sharing at least 33% to make the sale of more profitable goods. However, you can only buy shares in teams if you have, at least, 5,000 kilos of waste to start. If you have less than that, you can only earn income while maintaining your assets intact and continuing recycling, taking 6% and 8% according to the benefit. Maximizing your GANANCIASObviamente, there are many ways to increase your income. Below, there are three of these techniques can be used to increase profits: 1. Deposit funds in your account to buy large volumes of waste. The larger the amount of waste we're processing, the higher the profits. We accept deposits by bank transfer, Bitcoins, and bank cards with 3D authentication enabled. The minimum deposit is 20 euros. The maximum single deposit by credit card has a limit of 500 euros, deposits with Bitcoins or bank transfer are not limited. Deposits will be credited to your account as soon as you arrive at our bank account. This can take from one to three days depending on the banking hours. In addition, we can credit funds only when the billing department is open (working days, 10 am to 5 pm, Warsaw time). Buying waste or units of shares on computers, directly from your account balance is now possible by making a request to withdraw money from your account. 2. Purchase units of shares on equipment used in the recycling process, but only after you've reached your quota of 5,000 kilos of recycled material. Buying things on recycling equipment, you will be able to increase your benefts from 14% for the full cycle of recycling up to 50% after the sale of pellets, according to the number of shares you bought. The funds spent on the purchase of production facilities are non-refundable as they give you unlimited benefits to receive higher benefits. More details on each type of equipment and how you can increase your revenue sharing, are available on the page equipment here Units 3. Invite others to join this company and get a commission . The referral commissions are profits you get as a reward for each new member who enrolls using our unique association code, which is located in your members area under the tab partners. The commission only applies to assets or who have deposited funds into their account partners. The bonus of 20 euros, we are giving away new members, it is not considered as a deposit. You can earn commissions from your references to 4th level (10% for the 1st level of partners, 3% for the 2nd level, 2% 3rd level and 1% for the 4th level). Commissions are deposited to your balance in 7 days days. Please note that ideally we prefer that the partners are not submitted or bunch up your accounts, as this may cause them to be identified by our security system as possible auto or bot registrations. It is also not allowed to have more than one account per person. If there are many accounts opened by a person from the same IP, their methods of withdrawal will be limited Only At bank transfer and other banking details that will be provided to validate each accountholder as a separate identity. Also, you can not use the same credit card to deposit funds to different accounts. RETREAT BENEFICIOSPuedes withdraw your winnings from your account Paypal, Bitcoin wallet or a bank account SEPA. Pussycat withdrawal amount is 20 euros. With the objective of making a payment request, please click on the button on your balance at the top right of your page members area angle specifies the amount of payment required, choose the payment method, and provides all the necessary information about the recipient. Payment requests are processed on working days during working hours from 10 AM to 5 PM, Warsaw time. All Bitcoin payments are automatically made, the Paypal requests are processed the same day, and bank transfers are made only on days trabajo.HISTORIAL OF TRANSACCIÓNHemos enable a page where you can monitor your transactions and real-time benefits Here you can check your deposits , withdrawal of money, buying, selling, profit and earnings history reference, to make it easier to track the activity in your account. 

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